Is Your Boyfriend Not Listening To You When You Vent?

Are Your Girls Tired Of Giving You Advice About The Same Guy Every Other Week? 

Do You Need Advice On Things That You Just Don’t Want To Share With Your Family & Friends?

Well, No Need To Worry Because I Gotchu Boo! SLC Is Here To Be Your Personal (Unlicensed Ofc) Therapist And Help Give You Advice On Anything And Everything.

Simply Submit Your Question Below For your -SLC Approved Advice To Be Featured On The ASK -SLC Website And/or ASK -SLC Instagram Page

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Answers So Far..

  • Someone asked:
    Hi girl, my relationship of 3 years end 2 weeks ago. I know healing is a process but i really can’t see myself getting over this. I really wanted it to be him. I pictured myself having kids with him. It’s sooo difficult to just let him go. I also don’t know the reason why he made this decision to end things. The past 3 years i was a womde girlfriend to him & supported him in every way i could. He blocked me also everywhere, really don’t know why i deserve this. The thought that he later on will probably date other girls makes me sick. Now i question myself: why wasn’t i good enough? I have my own apartment, i have my own business, i go to the gym. I don’t party/smoke/drink. But this that wasn’t enough. I really don’t get it.
    • SLC replied:
      hi my love, first things first, you can be the best person in the world and still have people not appreciate you. The only thing that will make someone want to stay with you, is if they truly want to. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him just not wanting the relationship no more. This is a similar concept we see with cheating. A man will cheat on the most beautiful or successful woman ever and everyone wonders ‘omg how could he cheat on her she’s a baddie’ or ‘she’s the perfect woman’ etc.. Her being the ‘perfect’ woman has nothing to do with him cheating because the only thing that stops a man from cheating …. is the will to not wanna cheat. point, blank, period. So don’t think that you’re not enough because he ended the relationship. If you were this wonderful girlfriend like you said, theres literally nothing you could’ve done. Sitting up contemplating what you did wrong is unproductive because you may never know why he truly ended it. You have to be able to come to the terms that he just wanted out and thats the hard but honest truth. As you said, healing is a journey and it won’t be an easy one but i know you’ll get over this. It may seem so impossible right now because you’re heartbroken but babe, you will be okay. Don’t rush the process, allow yourself to grieve the relationship and give yourself time to move on. You may not see anything positive from it right now, but in the long run you’ll be able to. This is your time to focus on you. Girl you’re doing better than most people with your own business and apartment etc, use that to keep you not only motivated but proud of yourself. Keep reminding yourself that you can only go up from here. I know you can and will💖
  • Someone asked:
    What does maturity look like to u?
    • SLC replied:
      Discipline, Emotional intelligence, confidence, kindness, a firm sense of self, self-accountability, and assertiveness are all signs of maturity to me
  • Someone asked:
    How can i stop feeling guilty for enjoying myself or having fun, i always Feel like i should be working Or hitting some sort of goal instead
    • SLC replied:
      you only got one life to live, you better enjoy it to the best of your ability!!! I’m a firm believer in the fact that we weren’t put on this earth to just work and suffer. There has to be more to life than that. There is nothing wrong with having fun and you should absolutely not feel bad for it. You do not want to look back at your life one day and think to yourself.. ‘damn all i did was work, i never actually made any fun memories/experiences.’ So enjoy your life right now. Anytime you feel a bit of guilt creeping up, affirm to yourself “I deserve absolute and unconditional bliss” or “I was put on this earth to live life to the fullest”. Work will always be there, constantly working doesn’t = success or happiness. You have time set out time to enjoy yourself. You are more than deserving of it.
  • Someone asked:
    How do you ‘get anything you want?’
    • SLC replied:
      In the simplest way… by being ‘delusional’. It’s all about the power of manifestation and the belief that you are worthy of everything you want. You have to have an abundant mindset. The more you believe something is meant for you, the more you attract it to you. It’s literally law. I know how powerful the mind/tongue is, so I use it to my advantage. I speak life into whatever I want and I don’t worry about ‘when’ or ‘how’ it’s going to come. It just does. I believe I’m deserving of what I want so all I do after affirming in my belief is acting accordingly.
  • Someone asked:
    Good morning! My question today is about something i have been obsessing on for a few weeks: I met a guy: multi-milionaire, awesome, he as been in the 2 tops universities in the world and is CEO of 3 firms. I was out of a toxic relationship when i met him and he immediately blew my mind so i showed up as a pickme and the good girl from the beginning. He took me for granted quite quickly (we dated 3-4 months) How to know if a man that messed up with us was a player and came with bad intentions From the Beginning or if it is because i have been « the good girl », i did not show our boundaries and was too nice that he decided to play with time? (sorry for my syntax, i am french) Thank you in advance for the reply
    • SLC replied:
      Hi boo, tbh you have to be able to see the signs. People may not show all their red flags in the beginning, but there will definitely be signs if something isn’t right. I think because he was a multi-millionaire you ignored any potential signs that would show you okay this guy is a player and not serious. No matter who someone is, or what they have, you cannot let that blind you from who they truly are/how they treat you. Do not be a pick me for any of these dudes because they still won’t pick you. Men know who to play with. If they see that you’ll do whatever they say/take disrespect, thats exactly what they’ll do… disrespect you. So for next time, please set some boundaries and honour your standards. No one will try to play you once they know you’re not one to play with. xoxoxo
  • Someone asked:
    What’s the key to life?
    • SLC replied:
      Hmm i think the key to life is loving yourself. you gotta be obsessed with yourself honestly. obsessed with your dreams, your goals, your desires etc. You have to love yourself more than you love anyone else because thats the only way you’ll truly be self-fulfilled. Learn yourself, know yourself and honour yourself.
  • Someone asked:
    Hi sister. I need your help. I just started a faceless IG account. I followed my Intuition to learn about about digital marketing. I Literally invested over 15K on learning how start on online buSiness and since had imposter syndrome for the longest. So now im finally here .. starting. Any tips for begGiners in social media? Where do you get your inspiration from ? How to stay consistent? And most of all how did you know this is whats right for you ? Thank you so much 💕✨
    • SLC replied:
      hi my love, firstly so sorry for the wait, im definitely not a tech girl and sometimes with site be acting up😭 regardless, im here now and i hope you still see this. Firstly congratulations for finally starting! Tbh thats the biggest roadblock when it comes to even building up on social media.. tbh it’s the biggest roadblock for hitting any goal. So be very proud of yourself for putting in the time/investing into your craft. In terms of tips, i do have some in other questions but i’ll just sum them up again for you here. My main tips are to stay consistent, engage with other accounts, create quality content (dont just post to post, i promise you do not have to post content EVERYDAY to be successful. Quality > Quantity), Use promo when necessary, and utilize hashtags/trending audios! Now to answer your other questions, when it comes to inspiration, i am my own inspiration. I post things for the girls just like me. The things that i wanna see and that would make me be like ‘okay i need to follow this account asap’. I think the fact that i am my own inspiration makes it easier for me because all my content is authentic, whatever topic i post about whether its about relationships, money, or just a post about feeling yourself, it’s all stuff that i personally find motivation from/would wanna see. Staying consistent is a lil hard i won’t lie, but the two main things that keep me consistent is 1. my ‘why’ & 2. knowing that i am helping someone. i know that starting up a brand by me made for women like me is my passion and thats what keeps me going. This is something that i want to continue to nurture and grow and consistency is the only way its going to happen. So even when i feel lazy i make sure i show up. it could be as little as spending some time liking others content or posting a story; regardless i show up daily. This also ties into my second main fact of knowing im helping someone. I always get little messages thanking me for a post that was really needed or a story that really inspired someone; and thats what makes me show up daily too. You never know whose day you’re making just by showing up. i’ve always felt like that too, whether i had 300 followers or 30,000; knowing that i helped at least one person motivates me into making sure im consistent/showing up. To answer your last question of how i know this is right for me, it literally just feels right. I feel happy creating, engaging and supporting other people. Its not to say that one day i won’t find another passion, but for now this is what i love doing and thats why i know its right for me. hope this helps and i hope your account continues to grow and grow 💖
  • Someone asked:
    What exactly is self love? I don’t think i honestly really understand this. I keep hearing you have to love yourself first then you can let the right love in. Please what is the best explanation for self love and how can one successfully accomplish that? Thank you!
    • SLC replied:
      hi my love! For me, the definition of self-love, is loving yourself unconditionally. What i mean by unconditionally is a love without conditions, as in right now. Not “i’ll start loving myself once i lose this weight” or “i’ll start loving myself once i’m more successful.” No – it means loving yourself as you are right now; even if you don’t feel successful, or pretty or at your goal weight. It’s about loving yourself with flaws and all. With that, i think self-love also involves pouring into yourself, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc. Doing things that you not only enjoy, but will make you your best self. When we thinking of romance love, we want the best for our partners, we wanna see them win because we care for them so much. It’s the same thing when it comes to self-love. You are your biggest cheerleader. You want the best for yourself because you know you deserve it. Different ways to incorporate self-love into your daily routine can be by setting boundaries, saying affirmations, indulging in self-care activities, release negative thinking, respecting/nurturing your values, giving yourself grace – especially when you ‘fail’, and investing in your growth. Self-love is different for everyone, but for me, this is the basis of the definition. Hope this helps, keep loving on you!
  • Someone asked:
    I feek like i am closing mySelf off from opportunities because i am shy and scared . When its even amassador or going out what should i do i feel like i am just leaving life on the safe side with few adventures but i know i want more out of life expecially since my first year of college and dorming
    • SLC replied:
      you just have to go for it. Literally say f the shyness and put yourself out there. Stop labeling yourself as ‘shy’ or ‘scared’, i used to do that all the time when i was dealing with my social anxiety. I realized that putting myself in that category was subconsciously stopping me from feeling confident and speaking to people. You have to do things even when you’re scared. It’s crazy because most of the time people don’t even realize it. You’ll be in your head critiquing everything you’re doing while everyone else things you’re acting perfectly fine. Start of small, go to events or outings little by little and give yourself little challenges while you’re out. It could be as easy as smiling at 3 strangers or complimenting someone. The more exposure, the better! You don’t want to look back on your college years with regret that you missed out on opportunities because you never put yourself out there. So start small, start simple, but most importantly, start today🤞🏾
  • Someone asked:
    So the guy im talking to for 6 months didnt do anything for me for Valentines day. He Had work but he Barely even Acknowledge it. He Just said happy valentines day after i had Texted him that first in the morning. i dont even know how to feel rn
    • SLC replied:
      im so sorry but if the man you’re giving your energy to can’t do something for you, let alone acknowledge the day first… you need to leave him tf alone. Granted yes, it was on a Wednesday and people had work; however that didn’t stop millions of people from still celebrating the day. That just shows you how he feels about you. Flowers are like $10.99, a box of chocolate is like $5… girl even GREETING YOU A HAPPY VALENTINES IS FREE. 6 months is a good amount of time to be showing effort and literally the bare minimum he couldn’t do. i’m sorry to say , but he clearly isn’t feeling you like you might of thought he did. I know its such a shitty feeling to feel unappreciated, but at least you’re being shown this now before you could potentially waste more time. Cut your losses with this one and a man who can actually put in effort, romance you.