Is Your Boyfriend Not Listening To You When You Vent?

Are Your Girls Tired Of Giving You Advice About The Same Guy Every Other Week? 

Do You Need Advice On Things That You Just Don’t Want To Share With Your Family & Friends?

Well, No Need To Worry Because I Gotchu Boo! SLC Is Here To Be Your Personal (Unlicensed Ofc) Therapist And Help Give You Advice On Anything And Everything.

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Answers So Far..

  • Someone asked:
    How do I step more into my feminine energy?
    • SLC replied:
      to start ima tell you what femininity is not, femininity is not all about looking like a pin-up house wife that a lot of these ‘femininity gurus’ are teaching. There is no one stop look on femininity so don’t think that you have to wear ‘modest’ clothes or having your hair a specific style in order to be viewed as feminine. You don’t have to emulate any celebrity or influencer, your feminine energy is personal and should be catered to you. Now that thats all said and done here are some tips to tap into your feminine energy. 1. self care is a must – get your nails done, take care of your skin, learn to do your make up in ways that suit your face, dress the part; again this doesn’t mean wear pink long dresses 24/7 but still look presentable and stylish in your own way, get a signature smell (invest in perfumes girl) , pamper yourself 2. practice good posture/speak with confidence, stand up straight, keep your head up high, confidence is a key factor in looking/feeling more feminine. Speak as though every word you say is something of substance and importance. Slow it down, 3. Related to that last point is to smile more, a feminine woman is soft, graceful and approachable. Move with more love and compassion. Feminine energy is attractive energy! 4. Don’t be afraid to be more sensual, embrace your sexuality and appeal. Be the type of woman who can seduce anyone with just her eyes. Have a playful but alluring side about you. 5. remain teachable; intelligence is one of the most attractive traits. Whether its through reading, taking courses/classes, podcasts, youtube videos, stay educated on topics that interest you.
  • Someone asked:
    This guy Clearly Only wants to link with me to have sex, and im not the type of person to have sex with Someone i Don’t know. I Genuinely like Other Qualities he has Other than his looks, i Can’t make him like me or make him want a serious Relationship with me but i often find myself thinking of him. I dont know how to get over Someone i Haven’t even linked with…
    • SLC replied:
      baby you already know what his intentions are and you know that they don’t align with you, that’s all the evidence you need to get yourself to get over him. Do yourself a favour and don’t even waste your time. The qualities you ‘do’ like about him can probably be found in another man who’ll actually have the right intentions with you. The fact that you havent linked with him yet is even better, mute that man and keep it pushing👋🏾
  • Someone asked:
    How do i move on
    • SLC replied:
      i have more in depth answers on this topic on the page but there are some main key points that i can give you right now. Time + distance + prioritizing yourself= how you move on. First and formost you need to give yourself grace, allow yourself to grieve the relationship. You’re not just gonna get over it immediately so give yourself that need grieving time and more importantly be patient with yourself. However, don’t sit and ponder of what you or your ‘ex’ should’ve, could’ve or would’ve done, just accept it as it is and push forward. You need to also remove them from social media, the less you see of someone, the less you’re sitting up worry about what they got going on, ‘Out of sight = Out of mind’. Don’t look through their comments, their tweets, their likes; unfollow or if not MUTE them. With that being said, you shouldnt have any heavy communication with them either. If you can cut all communication off that’s even better but i know thats not always realistic so set boundaries (no hook ups chile pls). It’s time now to focus more on you, do things that you enjoy (and maybe even things you missed out on doing being in the relationship), just cater to you, your wants and needs. You are your biggest priority rn, make time for yourself, nurture yourself, look good/feel good. Lastly i would say just do some self reflecting, think about what that relationship has taught you and what you want moving forward in future relationships. All in all, moving on is not easy but its not impossible, i hope some of these tips help you xoxo
  • Someone asked:
    Ok, so basically my mom be doing this shit where she tells people how i lost weight unprovoked, and she be going deep into it like anybody asked. She always drags it and makes it seem like i look sick, and i feel like its not serious. Like last week were talking about what i should wear to a tea party. Out of no where she randomly inputed, you couldve wore that green dress but you lost weight so youre Not gonna look good. A second time she unprovokely told a family member that happened to be over, “you know gabby lost weight, like a lot of weight, like as soon as she gain it she loose it right back,” and then tries to change subJect. Like whats the point of that. I was trying to hear the rest but couldnt. Also there was another time i over heard her saying to a friend on the phone, “ you know gabby is a xtra Small, yeah, tiny”. Is it me or she gets a kick out of it. Like what is it giving. Like is she obsessed, jealous like what? It’s so weird. Like what do you think is the problem and why she keeps doing that.
    • SLC replied:
      hi boo, so one thing parents are gonna do is put in their two sense in when it’s not needed. I don’t wanna fully jump in and say she’s jealous of you because i dont know the dynamics of your relationship, but what i can say though is that you being upset about this is totally validated. No one wants to hear anybody talk about their body in a negative way whether its a friend, a partner, a parent, or whoever. I think what you need to do is just communicate with her that you don’t like how she’s constantly bringing up your weight and that you find it offensive honestly. You gotta set a boundary with her. Parents can cross boundaries because they feel entitled to you since they created you. They think they can do or say whatever because they’re your elder/they’re just being your ‘mom’; or ‘dad’, but you have to let them know that a boundary is being set human to human. Who knows, maybe she doesn’t even realize how much she brings it up, maybe that’s her way of showing that she’s just concerned for you. Whatever the case may be though, let her know how you feel. From there if she keeps going on or switches to something that she constantly wants to judge you on, then you’ll know that there might be something a little deeper and that’s something you two will have to deal with if it ever gets to that point (which i really hope won’t).
  • Someone asked:
    How do you stop thinking negatively? Like not letting the things people said to and about you in the past and present live rent free in your head?
    • SLC replied:
      baby you just gotta say f them. i know it sounds easier said than done, but you have to be able not let the validation of others, come between you and the validation you give yourself. People are always gonna talk shit, be mean, put you down etc, but you just can’t let that break you. You have to know your value and STAND ON IT. A good practice you could do is write all the things people have negatively said about you (go real far/deep into your memory if you have to), once it written out i want you to RIP UP THE PAGE. While ripping it up, affirm in yourself that you are better than all those statements, affirm to yourself that none of them are true, affirm to yourself that these negative words have no more power over you from now on. Make sure when you toss the paper out its out your crib so you can solidify that those words are no longer near you and will not hurt you again. I know it seems corny but writing things out truly gets them out your head and to another space, especially if its been just cluttered all over your mind. After that practice i want you to promise to yourself that you will be the one validating yourself from now on. Build up your self-esteem, practice more gratitude (its one of the quickest ways to feel positive) and stay away from people who aren’t good to you.
  • Someone asked:
    I dont know why but i feel like my standards are getting in the way of my dating life. I just feel like everyone makes it seem like im asking for too much when all im really asking for a little better than the bare Minimum
    • SLC replied:
      Are you asking for too much or are you just asking the wrong person? Baby as long as you’re on you’re shit, you don’t gotta lower your standards for nobody. Don’t be out here settling. You’ll regret it in the long run. Anything you want is and can be yours. You’re allowed to stand on whatever standards/boundaries you set. Never have a scare mindset when it comes to relationships, there is someone out there who will go above and beyond for you. You deserve waay more than the bare minimum, dont let these people trick you into settling for less than you deserve mammas
  • Someone asked:
    Hi girl so Am i in the wrong? Everyone knows my friends man is a player and is cheating On her and so i showed her this dm of him messaging one of my homegirls (My two friends don’t know one another like that) and told her to leave Him and instead of thanking me she got mad at me and said im Obsessed and need to leave her relationship alone … should i not have said anything? like wtf girl He’s a whole cheater and shes being so dumb
    • SLC replied:
      Honestly girl, you can’t save everybody. As the saying goes “those who don’t hear, will feel” , your friend clearly doesn’t want to accept the fact that her man is a cheater and you’re just gonna let her have to come to that conclusion on her own in her own time. Some people are so stuck in their own delusions that it keeps them in toxic situations. When she’s ready to step into her worth she’ll leave that man. You are a good friend for telling her but from now on you gotta respect her wishes and ‘mind your business’.
  • Someone asked:
    Hi, i wanted to ask you if you happen to know any Work from home jobs that pay over 15 dollars an hour and that will even train people? Anything that can help? I recently lost my job at Amazon from working there for 4 months since December last year. I was saving up for a car and my boyfriend use to take me to work with him.
    • SLC replied:
      hiii my love im so so sorry this was late it was hidden in my archives, i hope you’re in a better spot as of recently💖 Now, itt really is based on where you live but there are some WFH jobs you can apply to and work like OneForma, Telus International Ai,, Appen. You can also go on flexjobs/ziprecruiter to see WTH jobs specifically in your area as well. If you have a freelance service you can provide (web design, personal assistant etc) then you can make an account for sites like fiverr, upwork, and find work that best suits you.
  • Someone asked:
    What are your thoughts on Mending old friendships?
    • SLC replied:
      think there’s nothing wrong with rekindling out friendships as long as you’re sure its the right move for you. We have to remember that sometimes people aren’t meant to be in our lives forever and when God shows you that their season is done, it could be time to let go. However I know that certain situations/obstacles can push people apart and sometimes space is needed to then heal, hold ourselves accountable, properly communicate, and fix the issue, in order to come back together again. As long as you’re both mature, ready to forgive and let the past be the past, then I say go for it. Just make sure not to rush the process, they may not be the same person you knew when you two were friends and vice versa, so don’t go into it expecting to be as close as you once were again off rip. Still give each other that grace and let the friendship grow again as time goes by.
  • Someone asked:
    Why is this generation of men so Obsessed with being chased?
    • SLC replied:
      Yes there’s this whole new social media epidemic where ‘men wanna be the bad bitches/the prize’, but realistically I think men only want to be chased by women they don’t like or see themselves with in the long run. It’s in a mans nature to be the hunter/chaser. No man who truly wants you is gonna sit up and have you chasing them around. Men know that women are the prize. They will go for what they want. So if you go around treating/chasing a man like he’s the prize, the roles will be reversed and you won’t be happy lol. Again, men will always chase what they want so if you’re the one whose making the first move, reaching out to him constantly, asking him out on dates etc, he’s just not that into you.